News from ECSA: April 2024

Joint statement on AI and the EU AI Act: EU policy makers must ensure transparency, consent and remuneration for creators across generative AI models

As the AI Act is expected to be adopted soon by the Council of the EU, 13 organisations representing authors and performers across all creative sectors, including ECSA, published a joint statement on 25 April on AI and the EU AI Act. In this statement, we welcome the adoption of the AI Act as a first step in the right direction but we note that it still needs to be implemented in an effective way in order to preserve fundamental rights, safeguard transparency, and enable authors and performers to exercise their rights. We also question extending the scope of the TDM exception (Article 4 of the DSM Directive) to generative AI, in a context where creators’ works and personal data have already been scraped at an unprecedented scale without any possibility for them to reserve their rights. Going forward, creators must not only be involved in discussions related to the reservation of their rights, but also in broader policy discussions regarding generative AI. EU policy makers should design an ambitious strategy for a human-centric AI that ensures creators can exercise informed consent, be fairly remunerated for the use of their works, and receive financial compensation for current and future AI-produced contents that their work has contributed to generate.
ECSA President at CISAC’s European Committee
On 17 and 18 April, ECSA President Helienne Lindvall attended the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)’s European Committee in Athens, Greece. During these two days, participants discussed the state of affairs in Europe for collective management and copyright. On 17 April, Helienne joined a panel on the use of AI in music, covering the challenges in copyright and legal policy, and the question of how to find a system that works for creators in the AI age. Helienne was joined by Christian Zimmermann (DACS), Tobias Holzmüller (GEMA), Risto Salminen (TEOSTO) and moderator András Szinger (ARTISJUS). Find more information on the Committee via CISAC’s website below.
MEP Axel Voss invites CCS and AI sector representatives to discuss AI and copyright
On 15 April, MEP Axel Voss (EPP - Germany) invited various representatives from the cultural and creative sector (CCS) and the AI sector to discuss several remaining issues after the EU AI Act will be finalised. Many stakeholders welcomed the AI Act as a first step in the right direction, which must be followed by an effective implementation to deliver on its promises. MEP Axel Voss and several speakers also underlined that the TDM exception was not conceived with generative AI in mind and the need for a clearer legal framework. As stated in the abovementioned joint letter as well, ECSA continues to urge policy makers to come to a clear legal framework preserving the rights and the integrity of the works of creators, also after the adoption of the AI Act.
ECSA President attends IMPF General Assemblies in Dublin
On 25 and 26 April, the Independent Music Publishers International Forum (IMPF) organised its General Assemblies in Dublin, Ireland. During the event, various panel discussions, networking meetings, and formalities took place. On 26 April, ECSA President Helienne Lindvall joined a panel on AI, diving into the latest legal and political global developments and what they mean for the music industry, together with Florian Koempel (Queen Mary University of London), Robert Singerman (LyricFind), and Sarah Williams (IMPEL). Among other things, Helienne stressed the importance of maximum transparency and creator consent, and the fact that the DSM Directive was not created with AI in mind. Moreover, on the occasion of this event, IMPF launched the 2024 Global Market Report of Independent Music Publishing, providing in-depth insight into the value of the independent music publishing business and the sector’s influence on the global modern music ecosystem.
Belgian Presidency’s Copyright Conference in Namur, Belgium
As part of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, FPS Economy organised a two-day conference on copyright that took place in Namur on 8 and 9 April. The conference centered around EU and national policies supporting the fair remuneration of authors and performers in the digital landscape, with a focus on the 2019 DSM Directive, AI, and buy-out contracts. The event featured several policy makers, researchers, and representatives from the cultural and creative sectors, including Roberto Viola (Director General, DG Connect - European Commission), Steven De Keyser (CEO, SABAM), Burak Özgen (General Counsel, GESAC), and Nina George (President, EWC). In addition, MEP Ibán García Del Blanco (S&D - Spain) discussed the European Parliament report on music streaming, for which he was rapporteur, calling once again for the fair remuneration of authors, a more sustainable music streaming market, and the ethical use of AI.
Authors’ organisations discuss key priorities in Brussels on occasion of EU and Belgian elections

On 23 April, SACD and La Scam organised a meeting with various author organisations to discuss key priorities for the cultural and creative sector. The meeting was organised on the occasion of the upcoming Belgian and EU elections. The event took place at Maison européenne des Auteurs et des Autrices (MEDAA) in Brussels, in partnership with EVA (European Visual Artists), EWC (European Writers' Council), ECSA, FERA (Federation of European Screen Directors) and SAA (Society of Audiovisual Authors). During the meeting, common grounds between the organisations were identified, in order to work towards a brighter future for authors. ECSA Secretary General Marc du Moulin also briefly presented ECSA’s top priorities, which include a fairer and more sustainable EU music streaming market for music creators; an ethical AI legal framework, including consent, remuneration and transparency for creators; and fair contracts with proportionate remuneration. We warmly thank the hosts (SACD, La Scam, and MEDAA) for providing a platform to unite.
Cultural activities
Camille Awards: pre-selected scores announced!
We are delighted to officially announce the pre-selected scores for the 2024 edition of the Camille Awards. Delegations of ECSA members representing media composers coming from 15 countries pre-selected 38 compositions in three categories. The final winners will be announced at the ceremony, taking place on 13 November 2024 at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) in Paris, France. Find the full list of selected pieces via the link below.
Two ECCO Concerts organised in Romania
Next month, two ECCO concerts, funded by ECSA’s ECCO-System grants and supported by Creative Europe, will take place in Romania and will be organised by ECSA member UCMR. During both concerts, the wonderful Arcadia String Quartet will perform various pieces. The first concert will take place on 26 May at the National University of Music in Bucharest, in the frame of the International week of New Music Festival (SIMN). On 28 May, the quartet will perform a second concert at the Casa Libertății Religioase in Cluj-Napoca. Find more information on this concert via this link (in Romanian).
Music & Cinema Marseille: award winners, panel on contracts, and more
Between 1-6 April 2024, the Festival international Music & Cinema Marseille took place in Marseille, France. On 4 April, ECSA members SNAC (National Union of Authors and Composers), UNAC (National Union of Authors and Composers), and U2C (Union of Composers) co-organised the panel “Musique de film : le contrat de commande et la check-list du compositeur”, outlining the essentials of commissioning contracts, negotiations, and other contractual practices. Moreover, on 6 April, an award ceremony took place during which various prizes were awarded to feature films and short films. The two Grand Prizes for Best Original Music went to feature film Elbow (a film by Asli Ozarslan with original music by Delphine Mantoulet) and short film A Capella in D Mineur (a film by Malu Janssen with original music composed by Florian Van der Reuden). Find the full list of winners via this link.
Open call: “ECSA’s Music Creators Playlist”
After two successful previous editions, ECSA is pleased to launch the call for works to be considered for this year’s “Discover ECSA’s music creators'' playlist. The playlist will be a compilation of songs and compositions from ECSA’s member organisations. The theme of this year’s playlist is “Celebrating female composers''. The playlist will be made available publicly on World Music Day, on 21 June 2024. All ECSA members are invited to submit three songs before 31 May 2024. Detailed information has been sent to all ECSA members.
Members' news
French ECSA member SNAC publishes results of survey on economic, social and fiscal situation of composers
This month, French ECSA member Syndicat National des Auteurs et des Compositeurs (SNAC) published the results of a survey they conducted on the economic, social, and fiscal situation of contemporary music composers based in France. SNAC carried out the survey, which was filled in by more than 110 professional composers, in 2023. Among other things, the results reveal that only 12,3% of respondents state that they earn sufficient income to make a living from their work as a music creator. Find all results (in French) via the button below via SNAC.
ECSA President on streaming panel at SPOT Festival, presented by Danish ECSA member DPA
How should the streaming pie be divided? As Spotify and Deezer both announced new remuneration models last year, various experts, including ECSA President Helienne Lindvall, will discuss the consequences of the new streaming market for music creators. The panel is presented by ECSA member Danish Popular Auteurs (DPA) and will take place on 4 May 2024 at SPOT Festival in Aarhus, Denmark. Helienne will be joined by panelists Chris Cooke, Will Page, and moderator Julie Aagaard.
Austrian Composers Day 2024
On 27 April, the 10th edition of Austrian ECSA member ACOM’s Austrian Composers Day took place at the MDW in Vienna and evolved around the topic “Sonic worlds and their microcosms. The hidden quintessence of different musical styles”. Various captivating presentations were given, including a presentation about Composing Music For Dialogue and Voice Over by ECSA Board Member Anselm Kreuzer. Other presentations included Implications of Interculturalism (Ming Wang), Improvisation as an equal branch of contemporary music (Mia Zabelka), and Collage and Projection – Mosaique and Space – Groove and Synchronisation (Rupert Huber). The presentations were followed by a panel, moderated by ECSA delegate Siegfried Friedrich, who also curated the Composers Day, with the four earlier mentioned speakers as well as ACOM President and ECSA delegate Peter Legat. The event concluded with a concert of the Max Brandt Ensemble (conductor: Richard Graf).
UK ECSA member PCAM launches new podcast series
This month, UK ECSA member PCAM (Society for Producers and Composers of Applied Music) announced the launch of a new series of podcasts offering career advice to all those working in the media music profession, in particular those who may be at the early stages of their careers, and composers without representation who are generating creative work as well as managing their own business affairs. The podcasts will be released monthly. The first episode, entitled "There & Then to Here & Now - PCAM, past present & future” is available on all major platforms.