News from ECSA - May edition


ECSA’s Vision on how Europe can prevent buyout contracts
On 31st May, the European Composer & Songwriter Alliance published ECSA’s Vision on how Europe can prevent buyout contracts. In this paper, ECSA describes the disruptive effect of buyouts on audiovisual composers, with the result of a survey and testimonies from its members. The paper then explains the main characteristics of buyout contracts before advocating for ambitious policy measures against those, notably in the context of the implementation of the 2019 Copyright Directive.

ECSA White Paper on Music Streaming: “Music streaming and its impact on composers and songwriters – Why we should fix streaming now”
On 6th May 2021, the European Composer & Songwriter Alliance published a Position Paper entitled “Music streaming and its impact on composers and songwriters – Why we should fix streaming now”. In this paper, ECSA calls both policy makers and all stakeholders in the music sector to promote a fairer and more transparent ecosystem for music streaming, which could finally benefit music creators. . The paper, which includes several proposals to improve music streaming, received coverage in various online news outlets (Digital Music News, Complete Music Update, etc).

The Copyright Directive implementation in Germany and France
On 12th May 2021, the ordinance transposing Article 2 and Articles 17 to 23 of the Copyright Directive 2019/790 of 17 April 2019 was signed in France, thereby strengthening the ability of rights holders to be remunerated by online content sharing platforms and improving the protection of the rights of authors and performers in their relations with the operators of their works. The implementation of the Directive into French law consolidates and completes the principles currently applicable in the French intellectual property code (‘Code de la propriété intellectuelle’), while taking into account existing sectoral provisions and referring to future agreements the task of specifying the conditions of implementation in France. ECSA welcomes in particular the provision which prohibits contracts that could deprive audiovisual composers from the protections afforded by French law, regardless of the applicable law in the contract.
On 20th May, the German Bundestag passed the law implementing the EU Copyright Directive, still pending the approval of the Bundesrat (German Federal Council). Germany proposed its own version of how to implement article 17, introducing a controversial rule on allowed minor uses (Bagatellschranke) i.e. the permission to use short pieces of music and small picture extracts free of charge under certain conditions, as well as a broad pastiche barrier. Furthermore, the provision on transparency of information for authors and performers was strengthened.

Culture Council
The recovery, resilience and sustainability of the cultural and creative sectors & The impact of video-on-demand (VOD) platforms on the EU's audiovisual market
On 18th May, the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council approved conclusions which restated that the cultural and creative sectors are among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and that there is a need to take decisive policy actions in their support, both as an immediate response and as a more ambitious and far-sighted approach, as the current crisis has exposed some structural challenges and pre-existing vulnerabilities of the cultural and creative sectors. Find the Council conclusions here.
Furthermore, the Spanish delegation addressed the impact of video-on-demand (VOD) platforms on the EU’s audiovisual market, in particular on the relationship between the various actors in the value chain. Therefore, they requested the Commission to provide the Member States with related information, which “will be of utmost importance for monitoring the implementation of the Media Action Plan and the Recovery plans of the Member States”. Most EU Member States supported this request.
Find the information note from the Spanish delegation here.
Read about FERA’s position in its press release “EU Filmmakers Support Call for Assessment of Global Streamers’ impact on European audiovisual creation” here.

Adoption of the Creative Europe programme
The Creative Europe programme 2021-2027 has finally been adopted by the European Parliament on May 19th, with a higher budget and a stronger focus on music. The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance welcomes this final vote and hopes that this new Programme will strengthen its support to music and its creators, heavily impact by the COVID-19 crisis.

Adoption of the Report on artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector
The European Parliament adopted on May 19th MEP Sabine Verheyen’s Report on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, culture and the audiovisual sector. ECSA welcomes this report which highlights AI's opportunities and challenges for cultural diversity and the remuneration of creators. The report rightfully stresses how AI can be used in a positive way to avoid misappropriation of creativity, facilitate the transparency obligation provided by Article 19 of the Copyright Directive, and improve copyright data management. It also stresses the serious impact of AI algorithm-based content recommendations on cultural diversity and calls for the development of indicators to assess cultural diversity and promote European works on music streaming services.
If you haven't read it yet, please click below to find our position paper on Artificial Intelligence and Music:

Capacity Triangle: The Intersection of Music & Tech
This last edition of ECSA’s Capacity Triangle webinars, held on 21st May and supported by the Creative Europe programme, addressed the issue of The Intersection between Music and Tech - Promotion and remuneration on digital platforms & social media: what tools should music creators be on the lookout for? The webinar focused on how as a music maker, you can build and nurture an online audience, while learning about opportunities offered by new platforms and social media. Attendees had the opportunity to learn new ways on how to connect to the online composer & songwriter community, how to enhance their professional career or how to pitch and sync their music on new platforms.
The session was moderated by Helienne Lindvall, an award-winning professional songwriter, musician and music and media writer for publications, also the Chair of the Songwriter Committee & Board Director at one of ECSA's members: The Ivors Academy. The session featured the following speakers: Linda Portnoff (Founder of Tangy Market), Josh Greenberg (Founder of Green Mountain Lodge), Justin Gray (Founder/Chairman of MDIIO) and Carlotta De Ninni (CEO of The Creative Passport).
The recording of the webinar is available here:

European Film Music Day(s) 2021
The European Film Music Day (EFMD) is an event bringing together experts in the audiovisual sector to discuss key issues at stake. This year’s edition unfolded digitally with two panel discussions.
On 25th May, the panel on "Composing for Video Games - The Creative Process" focused on the music creating process behind gaming soundtracks.
On May 27th, the panel on “Buyouts in the audiovisual sector: How is the problem affecting music creators?” addressed how to improve music creators’ awareness on copyright buyouts, as well as what options audiovisual composers have and what solutions are already in place.
Watch the recording of the “Composing for Video Games” webinar here:

Dave Price wins the Camille Awards - OTICONS open call
In the frame of their partnership for the 2021 edition of the Camille Awards, ECSA and OTICONS are happy to announce that the winner of the Film Music Business Career Mentoring Award is Dave Price from the UK. George Christopoulos, Founder and CEO of OTICONS, had to decide the winner among the 37 composers from 15 European countries that responded to the open call by listening to a selection of their compositions along with reading the bio that they shared in their applications. We would also like to congratulate all the other participants for the quality of their applications.

ECSA Lounge on Gender equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Music industry
On Tuesday, 18thMay 2021, ECSA held an online Lounge on Gender equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Music industry, coordinated by the ECSA Diversity and Inclusion Working Group. For this very special event, we were delighted to welcome:
- Martin Clarke from Panteia (EU research consulting firm), co-author of the EENCA study on Gender Gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors
- Anna Neale, composer and songwriter, member of The Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Steering Group (EID) of the Ivors Academy of Music Creators
- Monika Zyla, new music curator, artist, researcher and collaborator of Sounds Now, as well as member of GRINM (Gender Relations in New Music)
- Ghita Khaldi, chair and founder of Afrikanya, IMC Board member, expert in festival production, intercultural dialogue, development and cooperation and artistic mobility in Africa
- Moderator: Alfons Karabuda, president of SKAP, ECSA and International Music Council, member of the ECSA Working Group on Diversity and Inclusion
In the first part of the lounge, panellists presented their findings and perspectives on Stereotypes on Gender and Diversity in the music business. The panel was then followed by discussions in breakout rooms, in which participants had the opportunity to exchange about stereotypes related to different music genres, inequalities deriving from stereotypes, as well as best practices such as role models to combat these stereotypes.
Thank you very much to all attendees and speakers for the very fruitful discussions!

BAM! Popauteurs Streaming Manifesto
Music streaming is a booming business. The music business has undergone a revival because of it, after the hit it took from piracy and the drop of sales from physical pro- ducts like CD’s. For artists and songwriters it’s easier than ever to upload music to streaming services and get their music available to a worldwide audience. You would expect nothing but praise for streaming platforms, but somehow that isn’t quite the case. BAM! Popauteurs, as an artist and songwriter association, has come up with a manifesto to suggest what needs to change for streaming to become a sustainable model of income for all parties involved in the value chain, songwriters and artists included.
Download the Manifesto by clicking below to read about the six measures recommended by BAM! Popauteurs:

The Ivors Composer Awards 2021 call for entries is open
The Ivors Composer Awards annual call for entries is now open.
The Awards recognise and celebrate creative excellence across classical and jazz composition and sound art. Each winner will receive a prestigious Ivor Novello Award at the ceremony this December, which is supported by PRS for Music and broadcast on BBC Radio 3. The deadline to enter is Friday 18th June.

EMC’s European Forum on Music 2021
On June 2nd-5th, the European Music Council (EMC) will hold its 2021 edition of the European Forum on Music online, entitled “Claiming a front row seat. The place of music in society”. The European Forum on Music 2021 will offer a variety of sessions, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive workshops and networking sessions for the music sector to exchange and to discuss about the role and place of music in society. The EMC would like to make sure that even though the music sector was hit hard, it will come out of the crisis stronger, more resilient and claiming its right place which will be reflected in political action.
In the frame of this event, ECSA’s Secretary General Marc du Moulin will present an info session on the EU Copyright Directive - Where are we now? at 12:00pm on Friday, 4th June.
Find the programme of the 10th European Forum on Music here.

IASCA Dissolution
ECSA regrets to inform you that its member IASCA – The Irish Association of Songwriters, Composers and Authors, terminated its activities on 6th May 2021, due to major financial difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic. IASCA has been an active member of the ECSA’s APCOE committee for several years. ECSA would like to express its solidarity with IASCA’s Board and staff in these difficult circumstances.

European Music Business Task Force Open call
The Music Cities Network is delighted to announce the open call for applications for the first European Music Business Task Force (EMBTF) programme 2021. From August 2021 until the end of January 2022, 12 upcoming European music business professionals will have the opportunity to embark on a transnational European expedition searching for answers to the question: How can we boost European music within Europe?
The aim of the programme is to develop new insights, skills and knowledge resulting in tools and proposals for developing a strong sustainable transnational market for European Music within Europe post-Brexit as well as in pandemic times.

Composer Opportunity - Ligeti Quartet WORKOUT!
PICTURE: Mandhira, Patrick, Richard & Val © Jan Malmstrom
The Ligeti Quartet is calling composers around the world to join them in a workshop marathon of 100 pieces by 100 composers to celebrate their tenth anniversary.
Selected pieces will receive a workshop-style video recording (30-40 minutes), with the Quartet’s comments and suggestions, and a ‘live’ performance recording which composers will be able to use however they like. All this will be available publicly, online, as well as some info about the piece, the composer, some discussion about the music, and the score itself.
The next application deadline is 1st June 2021. Workout! will then run until autumn 2021.
Please click below for more information and the application form:

Spot the Composer programme
Looking for a score?
Spot the Composer is a new programme, launched in 2020 by the Marché du Film with the support of SACEM, designed to connect music professionals (composers, their agents, music supervisors) with film directors and producers participating in the Festival de Cannes. Spot the Composer also offers exclusive conferences, concerts and one-on-one meeting sessions.
Spot the Composer will begin on Wednesday 7th July with one-on-one online meetings between composers and filmmakers and will continue on Friday 9th July with a masterclass hosted by an internationally esteemed composer!
Registration is limited! Deadline is 11th June.
Apply as a Music Composer here.
Apply as a Music Supervisor here.
Apply as Film Composer Agent here.