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In memoriam: Jörg Evers

In memoriam: Jörg Evers

Today, the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) mourns the loss of Jörg Evers, who passed away last week. Our sincere thoughts and condolences go to his family and loved ones. Jörg was a German composer, lyricist, guitarist, bassist and music producer, whose works won many gold and platinum records, as well as awards, including the Best Composer’s Award at the 9th Tokyo Music Festival 1980 and two ASCAP Awards (Rhythm & Soul Music Awards 2001).

Jörg was a Supervisory Board Member of GEMA and served as its Chair from 2009 to 2012. He was also President of the Deutsche Komponistenverband (DKV) from 2005 to 2012 and an active member of the German Composers’ Club. He was an ECSA Board Member from 2008 to 2016 and has held the position of CIAM Vice President since 2018.

Jörg always advocated fearlessly and tirelessly for authors’ rights and to improve the working conditions of music authors. He was always keen to share his experience and knowledge with his colleagues to the benefit of our community of composers and songwriters across Europe. We will always remember him with gratitude, as a friend, colleague and mentor to many music creators in Europe and around the world.

Helienne Lindvall, ECSA President:
“To me, Jörg is synonymous with ECSA – he was there to welcome me from the first day I arrived, and has always been there for me and all our members. I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing him during his heyday as a rocker, but seeing photos of him from that era I recognise that warm, joyous glint in his eye that remained throughout his life. Jörg never lost his eagerness to learn, discuss and find solutions to our problems. Not only was he talented, smart, and a tireless advocate for authors’ rights, he had a big heart and was always ready for fun with a wonderful sense of humour and enthusiasm. His joie de vivre makes it even more difficult to comprehend that he’s gone so suddenly. He has left us with a big Jörg-sized void in ECSA, and will be remembered with fondness and love.”

Frank Ramond, President of the Deutscher Textdichter-Verband:
"I am deeply saddened to hear the news of Jörg Ever’s passing. He was an exceptional person, not only a committed and competent fighter for the interests of authors and originators, but also a warm-hearted and attentive colleague and friend. His loss is felt by all of us who had the privilege of knowing him. Jörg's contributions to our field were immense, and his dedication and passion for his work were truly inspiring. My thoughts go out to Jörg's family. I wish them all the strength and comfort they need during this difficult time. Jörg will be greatly missed!"

Anselm Kreuzer, ECSA Board Member:
"Jörg has been one of the most dedicated and loyal contributors to music creators’ concerns and had a wealth of knowledge that he was always happy to share with other committed people so to empower them. He will be greatly missed as a person and colleague."

John Groves, President of the Composers Club (Germany) and former ECSA Board Member:
“I am absolutely devastated to hear that Jörg is no longer with us. He was not just a colleague, but a friend. He has been a valued member of the Composers Club since the very beginning and he will be greatly missed. Our hearts go out to his family in this difficult time.”

Micki Meuser, Chairman of the German Film Composers Union DEFKOM, Board Member of the Deutsche Komponistenverband and Supervisory Board Member of GEMA:
“This is incredibly sad. Jörg was a friend and our guide in many ways. His death came far too soon. Coming from the same generation of musicians in Germany and the same 'music scene' I always admired his incredible musical talents as a player and composer that made him famous in Germany and abroad. Later he was our guide through the beginning battles for our authors rights. As the head of the board of directors in GEMA he started a long needed modernisation and as the president of the Deutsche Komponistenverband (German Composers Association) he encouraged us to stand for our rights. His experience was immense. I remember sitting next to him many times in the GEMA board and when we all thought we had everything discussed and were in control he came up with a little detail that we had missed and that would have led GEMA into deep trouble would we not have considered it. This happened regularly. How can we compensate his loss. He will dearly missed.”