News from ECSA: September 2023

ECSA Session: ECSA members come together in London

On 18 and 19 September, ECSA’s members gathered in London’s Barbican Centre for the 2024 Autumn Session, hosted by the Ivors Academy. During the Unified Session, the three Committee’s meetings, the Learning Lounge and the General Assembly, we discussed ECSA’s recent and future activities, and exchanged our views on key topics such as AI, music streaming, music creators’ contracts, and diversity and inclusion in our industry. We are grateful to our members for joining us for two inspiring days and we thank the Ivors’ Academy for being such a wonderful host.
Joint statement on Artificial Intelligence and the draft EU AI Act

On 26 September, 13 authors’, performers’ and other creative workers’ organisations, including ECSA, published a joint statement on the draft EU AI Act. The statement urgently calls for a human centric approach to generative AI, built upon informed consent, transparency, fair remuneration and contractual practices. Existing EU and national regulations protecting creative works and personal data can only function if strict transparency requirements are placed upon developers of generative AI. As the AI Act approaches its final stage of negotiations, we request absolute transparency to be prioritised to ensure that informed consent and fair remuneration can be agreed upon, effectively implemented and enforced in relation to both the input and the output. We urge the EU to promote original content and to respect human artistry and creativity.
Capacity Triangle panel at WSA Ghent: Streamers in Europe: the Myths and the Legends

As US based streaming services expand their activities across Europe, they engage more and more European composers for their projects. With growing influence, questions and concerns arise. Do streaming services like Netflix just apply the American model of buy-out contracts to European composers or do they adapt their strategies to European traditions, standards and the quickly evolving European legislations? On Friday, 20 October, WSA and ECSA organise a Capacity Triangle panel to discuss these pressing topics with renowned film composers Volker Bertelmann and Hannes de Maeyer, Quentin Boniface (Netflix), Chantelle Woodnutt (Air-Edel) and David Hutsebaut (SABAM). Anselm Kreuzer (Composers’ Club, ECSA) moderates the panel. The panel is partially funded by Creative Europe.
ECSA at Roma Film Music Festival 2023
At SoundTrackFest, in the frame of Roma Film Music Festival, which takes place from 30 September to 8 October in Rome, Italy, ECSA will be participating in a workshop and roundtable discussion. On 5 October, the informative workshop “What can ECSA do for you?” takes place. This will be followed by a roundtable on the same day, named “Rights and Wrongs: Getting your ‘rights’ without wrongs” with ECSA Board Member Luis Ivars, ECSA Secretary General Marc du Moulin, and lawyer Andrea Miccichè (President of IMAIE). Find the full programme below.
ECSA Secretary General on composers contracts for video games and AI at Soundtrack_Zurich
On 29 September, ECSA Secretary General Marc du Moulin participated in two panels at film and media music conference Soundtrack_Zurich, Switzerland. During the panel “Video Games + Buy-outs”, Marc, Dr. Oliver Schmid (SUISA), Joel Schoch (games composer), Alice Ruppert (SGDA, games producer), and moderators Lysander Gelewski & Olav Lervik zoomed in on contractual practices for music composers in video games, such as buy-out contracts. On the same day, Marc participated in the panel “AI and Music Rights” together with Dr. Noah Martin (SUISA), Michael Künstle (composer), Matteo Pagamici (composer) and moderator Martin Skalsky (filmmaker and composer). This panel highlighted the intersections between AI, music, and authors rights, and tackled the ins and outs of the EU AI Act. We thank Soundtrack_Zurich for a well-organised and insightful conference!
Designing a diverse & inclusive music industry with first.wave
On 26 September, first.wave, a program designed to initiate the sustained growth in the inclusion, employment, and education of female and non-binary music producers, organised a first roundtable in a series of discussions on “Designing a Diverse & Inclusive Music Industry”. During the roundtable, policies and strategies to reach a more inclusive music industry were discussed with Alfons Karabuda (IMC President, ECSA Honorary President), Margaret McGuffin (Music Publishers Canada CEO), and Eva Karman Reinhold (IMPALA Board Member, Smilodon CEO). The next session in the series takes place on 4 October 2023, with among others Anna Lidell (Autor Chair, KODA Vice-Chair). Sign up via the button below to join via Zoom.
ECSA Board Member Ole Henrik Antonsen on AI in NRK interview
On 20 September, ECSA Board Member, APCOE Chair, and NOPA Chair Ole Henrik Antonsen appeared on Norway’s TV debate program NRK Dagsnytt 18 to talk about NOPA’s plea for stronger AI regulations in Norway. Norwegian Performing Rights Society TONO has recently called on the Norwegian government to address composers' rights in light of AI development. However, substantial progress has yet to be made. Recently, NOPA has been proactive in the media to raise awareness of this issue. Watch the full interview, in Norwegian, via the link below, from 51:16.
EP publishes amendments to draft report on music streaming
On 14 September, the European Parliament’s (EP) CULT Committee published 157 amendments made by MEP’s (Members of the European Parliament) to the draft report of MEP Ibán García Del Blanco’s (Spain, S&D) on “Cultural diversity and the conditions for authors in the European music streaming market”. The EP’s CULT Committee vote is expected to take place on 24 October, before a final EP plenary vote before the end of the year.
EP publishes draft report on the implementation of Creative Europe
On 28 August, the European Parliament’s (EP) CULT Committee published its draft report on the implementation of the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027. The rapporteur of the report, Member of European Parliament Massimiliano Smeriglio (Italy, S&D), aims to assess and evaluate the implementation of the current Creative Europe programme (2021 to 2027). Creative Europe is the EU’s direct fund providing support to the cultural and creative sectors.
Cultural activities
ECCO Concert organised by Forum de la Création Musicale

On 27 September, the ECCO concert, organised by Forum de la Création Musicale, took place in Brussels at Maison du Peuple, Saint-Gilles. The event is funded by ECSA’s ECCO-System grants and supported by Creative Europe. For this edition, the brilliant ensemble Sturm und Klang performed new works from renowned composers Jean-Luc Darbellay, Denis Ivanidze (solo bassoon: Mavroudes Troullos) and Jörg-Peter Mittmann. Also on the programme for this concert (later performed in Detmold and Bern) are pieces by Olli Virtaperko, Pierre-André Bovey, Ursula Gut, Hans Eugen Frischknecht and Markus Hofer. Congratulations to Forum de la Création Musicale and Sturm und Klang for another inspiring edition!
ECSA at European Jazz Conference

On 15 September, ECSA EU Affairs and Programme Officer Claire Iceaga took part in the workshop “Towards a fair practice charter for the creative music sector?”, moderated by Davide Grosso (International Music Council), with many members of the European Jazz Network. The workshop took place in the framework of the European Jazz Conference, organised by the European Jazz Network. Discussion topics included fair remuneration, equitable treatment and opportunities for all, and the importance of promoting a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters creativity. This provided an ideal opportunity for ECSA to present the preliminary results of its recent consultation on fair practice, and the social and economic situation of music creators in Europe. The final report on this consultation will be published in the coming weeks.
Members' news
Ivors Academy Global Creators Summit
Right after our ECSA Session, many of our members stayed in London to attend the Ivors Academy Global Creators Summit, during which the challenges and opportunities of AI in music were discussed in various panels and keynotes. ECSA Vice-President Jesper Hansen participated in the final panel of the summit, in which he discussed how AI changes the way creators work, together with Tom Gray (Ivors Academy Chair), Ilā Kamalagharan (artist, producer, creative director) and Lulu Pantin (Loop Legal Inc Partner). Furthermore, MEP Axel Voss (Germany, EPP) delivered a keynote on the EU AI Act, and underlined the need for transparency across its various provisions. Read more about the Summit in music industry outlet Music Ally’s article about the event.
Winners Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2023 announced

On 8 September, Nieuw Geneco presented the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2023 to Ensemble Black Pencil and festival November Music for their tireless efforts and commitment to fair and sustainable practice in new music. The Awards were organised during Gaudeamus Music Week in Utrecht, the Netherlands. With the awards, Nieuw Geneco focuses on fair practice, fee guidelines and good commissioning practices in new music.
Forum de la Création Musicale Loop Festival
Throughout the month of October, the Forum de la Création Musicale is offering a varied program of concerts with the LOOP Festival. The festival illustrates the diversity of musical aesthetics present in Belgium and abroad. The festival takes over several locations in Brussels for a rich and diverse program of contemporary music.
AI and music panel at by:Larm conference
On 15 September, ECSA Board Member Ole Henrik Antonsen and Tech & AI Working Group Chair Arriën Molema took part in the panel “AI and music creators: for better or worse” at by:Larm, a music conference in Oslo, Norway. Together with Inger Elise Mey (TONO) and songwriter Signe Eide, they discussed the intersections between AI and authors’ rights, how big tech profits from creators’ works, and how creators can use AI to their advantage.
What else?
Call For Proposals for Classical:NEXT 2024 is now open
Classical and art music conference and showcase festival Classical:NEXT opens its search for the best, brightest and most forward-looking artists, projects, and conference topics from all corners of the classical and art music world! Until 6 October, all music professionals are invited to submit their proposal for a live performance, conference session or project pitch for Classical:NEXT 2024, taking place from 14–17 May in Berlin, Germany. The proposals will be considered by an independent jury of international experts.
“How streaming consumed music”: an ARTE documentary on streaming
A new documentary on music streaming is now available on Franco-German TV channel ARTE. The documentary, called Comment le streaming a mangé la musique (“How streaming consumed music”) examines the world of online music and is based on Les Jours’ previous investigation on the same topic, which they published in a series called La fête du stream. The documentary, directed by Sophian Fanen and Benoit Pergent, zooms in on the digital transformation of how we consume music since the 1990s. It is available in French, German, English, Spanish, Polish and Italian via ARTE’s website.
Production Music Awards announces nominations

The Production Music Awards - celebrating exceptional production music libraries and composers - announced its nominations list for 2023. The nominees span categories across Composition and Sync, and will be honoured during a ceremony at Here Outernet in London on 20 November. The Production Music Awards is a key platform that recognises the depth and quality of modern production music and provides global exposure to the wider sync and media industries.