ECSA launches a survey on Fair Practice!

Calling all music creators from Europe!
In close collaboration with the Working Group on Fair Practice, ECSA decided to launch a survey aimed at collecting data and evidence on the social and economic situation of music creators in Europe.
Composers and songwriters are at the very source of artistic music creation. However, they are frequently confronted with insecure economic and social conditions including precarious working conditions, low and unstable income, weak bargaining power regarding their negotiating counterparts, placing them in a position of vulnerability and insecurity. This survey follows on from the awareness-raising and advocacy efforts undertaken by ECSA and its members during several years on authors’ remuneration and fair share in the exploitation of their works.
This survey targets individuals within and outside the ECSA network, and seeks to gather data on diverse issues affecting music creators including fair remuneration, harmful and/or unfair contractual practices, working and employment conditions, social security, funding opportunities and room for collective bargaining in the music industry.
All the data and evidence will be gathered in a report providing an overview of the situation of music authors in Europe. Its official publication will mark the beginning of a European campaign on Fair Practice, whose main goal will be to improve the commissioning, performing and remuneration practices in the music sector and thus establish better frameworks, working conditions and remuneration for all composers and songwriters.
The survey is composed of three main parts and should take approximately 15 minutes to fill in. The survey will definitely be closed on 7 November 2022.
We thank you very much in advance for your time and contribution!