News from ECSA - October Edition


ECSA panel at WSA Industry Days
On 20 October, as part of the WSA Industry Programme at the World Soundtrack Awards in Ghent, the panel discussion “Buyouts and other unfair contractual practices: what prospects for the Belgian composer?” took place. Various composers and experts shared their insights on the issue of buy-out contracts and the threat these contracts represent for composers. ECSA Secretary General Marc du Moulin, Anselm Kreuzer (Composers Club), Hans Helewaut (Belgian Screen Composers Guild), and Luc Gulunck (De Muziekgilde) participated in the panel.
Many thanks to WSA for welcoming this inspiring discussion.
We look forward to participating the next year!

ECSA - GESAC roundtable discussion on buy-out contracts at the European Parliament on 8 November 2022
Together with the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC), ECSA will co-organise a roundtable discussion between European music authors and MEPs on buy-out contracts and how Europe can prevent them. The event is hosted by MEP Ibán García del Blanco (S&D, Spain) and will take place in Brussels at the European Parliament, room Room Paul-Henri Spaak 7C50, on Tuesday 8 November 2022 from 12:00 to 14:00 (CET).
If you wish to attend the event, please register on this link by 4 November. More information on the final programme and speakers will be made available in the coming days.

ECSA Secretary General at the conference "Rethinking copyright flexibilities" in Cyprus on 31st October and 1 November 2022
On 31 October and 1 November 2022, ECSA Secretary General Marc du Moulin will participate in the conference “Rethinking copyright flexibilities”, organised by the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus, together with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa) and the H2020 project reCreating Europe. Marc will speak on the roundtable “Towards a new equilibrium in EU copyright law? Perspective from policymakers, the judiciary and stakeholders” on 31 October, together with Marco Giorello - Head of the Copyright Unit, DG CNECT, European Commission and Maciej Szpunar, 1st Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the EU. The roundtable will be chaired and moderated by Marie-Christine Jannsens. More info about the event here.

Serious Legal Economic Risks via Copyright in Czech Republic
Together with several organisations across the music sector (AEPO-ARTI, CISAC, FIM, GESAC, IAO, ICMP, IFPI, and IMPALA), ECSA expresses in a joint letter its serious concerns regarding a recent amendment in the Czech Republic in the context of the implementation of the 2019 Copyright Directive. The amendment suggests removing the obligation to obtain a licence for the communication to the public of copyright protected works and sound recordings included in radio or TV broadcasts, where the music is made available “accidentally” and “to a narrow circle of persons” when “not of a profit-making nature”. This can potentially be considered as a new harmful exception to music right holders’ right of communication to the public.

Open letters against the restructuring plans of Austrian public broadcaster ORF
With strong disappointment, ECSA took notice of the restructuring plans of Austria's public national broadcaster ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk). The ORF’s restructuring plans for radio include a 30% reduction in royalty payments and a general reduction of artistic, cultural and non-commerical content, directly hitting creators and composers in these sectors. Therefore, ECSA strongly supports the various initiatives of Austrian artists, composers, and cultural organisations. Have a look at the open letters (in German) endorsed by ECSA Member Austrian Composers, Kulturrat Österreich and ECSA Vice President, musician, composer and producer Zahra Mani.

Implementation of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market in Greece
The Hellenic Ministry of Culture published the Draft law proposal for the implementation of Directive 2019/789, laying down rules on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television and radio programmes, and also for the Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market.
The public consultation for both Directives is open until the 1st of November. You can find the draft law proposal in Greek here.

CISAC 2022 Global Collections Report
CISAC (The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) published the 2022 Global Collections Report. According to the report, Global creators’ collections increased up to 5.8 % in 2021 but they are still below pre-COVID levels. The report provides comprehensive data and analysis of collections across all repertoires including music, audiovisual, visual arts, literature, and drama. Find more information on the report here.

ECSA's Survey on Fair Practice
On 8 September 2022, ECSA launched a survey aimed at collecting data and evidence on the social and economic situation of music creators in Europe. All the data and evidence will be gathered in a report providing an overview of the situation of music authors in Europe. Its official publication will mark the beginning of a European campaign on Fair Practice, which main goal will be to improve the commissioning, performing and remuneration practices in the music sector and as such establish better frameworks, working conditions, and remuneration for all composers and songwriters.
The deadline to contribute to the survey is 7 November 2022.

ECCO Concert is approaching!
Less than a month left until the 17th edition of the ECCO Concert! The 2022 edition will take place in Brussels, on 17 November at 20:00 at l’Espace Senghor. The selected pieces will be performed by the fantastic STYX Ensemble. Find out more information about the selected pieces and composers on our website. Don’t forget to reserve your ticket!

Open Call: Mentoring Programme for Composers and Songwriters
ECSA is glad to announce its first mentoring programme for female composers and songwriters. The Mentoring programme is an EU-funded initiative that aims to serve as an introduction to the music industry for young female composers and songwriters at the beginning of their careers. With the help of female role models, the broader goal will be to enhance gender equality within the sector. The programme is developed in cooperation with AEC (European Association of Conservatoires) and EJN (Europe Jazz Network). The ECSA-AEC 2023 Mentoring programme is now open for applications. Both composers and songwriters are invited to apply. Six mentors and six mentees will be selected. Deadline: 14 November 2022. Find more information on the call here.

Save the date! Diversity and Inclusion - Online Lounge
The Diversity and Inclusion Online Lounge will take place on November 22, 2022 from 11.00 to 13.00 (CET). The event will consist of an online discussion open to ECSA members and to the public on topics related to gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the music industry. The aim of the Lounge is to exchange best practices and create awareness about issues affecting diversity and inclusion in the industry. Stay tuned for more details!

Ivors Composers Week
The first Ivors Composer Week will take place from 14 to 20 November 2022 in celebration of contemporary composing across classical, jazz and sound arts. Established to mark the twentieth anniversary of The Ivors Composer Awards, the week will include events that bring established and new composers together to honour their craft and achievements, and explore issues that they are facing today. Find more about The Ivors Composers Week here.

European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists (EFFEA)
The European Festivals Association launches the European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists (EFFEA), co-funded by the European Union. The initiative offers emerging artists a platform to advance their career on an international level through festivals. The deadline for applications is 15 November 2022. More information on the initiative here.

Culture Moves Europe program
On the 10th of October, the European Commission officially launched its Culture Moves Europe, in the presence of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. The event brought together various representatives of the cultural and creative sectors. Find more information here.

IMPF Music Entrepreneurial and Creative Industry Summit in Palma (Mallorca, Spain)
The Independent Music Publishers International Forum (IMPF) organised its first global meeting for music publishers, songwriters and friends, with creative talks, panels to meet, create, connect, network and do business. The Summit ran from 9 to 12 October 2022 in Palma (Mallorca, Spain). ECSA participated in two panels, including one on Music Streaming with ECSA President Helienne Lindvall, and one on buy-out contracts and VOD with ECSA Secretary General Marc du Moulin. Find more information on the Summit here.

Winners of the WorldSoundtrack Awards 2022
The 49th edition of Film Fest Ghent ended with the World Soundtrack Awards, one of the most important international film music prizes. Among the winners are internationally renowned composers and artists such as Jonny Greenwood, Billie Eilish, Eiko Ishibashi and Nainita Desai, who has also recently received a Camille Award. Learn more about the festival and the World Soundtrack Awards winners here.

World WOMEX in Lisbon. 2023 edition announced
After five intense and packed days of networking, meetings, conferences, showcases, and films, WOMEX22 in Lisboncame to a grand finish on Sunday with the Awards ceremony at São Luiz Teatro Municipal. The event welcomed more than 3,100 music professionals from 113 countries. The 2023 WOMEX22 edition will take place in A Coruña from 25 to 29 October. More info here.

Film Scoring Academy of Europe : EKRON by Jon Dudagoitia, European Recording Orchestra (ERO)
The European Academy of Fine Arts revolutionised the in-person and online education for modern musicians. One of the programmes – Film Scoring Academy of Europe – offers full-time Masters, Online Graduate, and summer programs in film and game scoring. The programme gives an opportunity to work with filmmakers and record their music with a live orchestra. The latest scoring sessions of the Academy introduces the MFA Composer Jon Dudagoitia's brilliant work EKRON, recorded by the European Recording Orchestra (ERO) at Bulgarian National Radio Studio 1 with a Bulgarian choir at Sofia Session Studio.
Watch the recording session of EKRON and learn more about the European Academy of Fine Arts here.

ÖMR Symposium : Human Rights and Music Rights
At this year’s symposium of the Austrian Music Council (ÖMR), Human Rights and Music Rights will serve as a central theme in several keynotes, working groups and discussions. The symposium takes place on 11 and 12 November 2022. Among others, Austrian musician, composer and producer Zahra Mani will participate in the fairness panel discussion “Music rights: media presence, fair pay, music export”. Find more information on the symposium here.

10th Conference on Authors' Rights by Initiative Urheberrecht
On 21 November 2022, Initiative Urheberrecht will host its 10th Conference on Authors’ Rights on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. Speakers include German Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth and other German political representatives such as Macit Karaahmetoglu (SPD), Awet Tesfaiesus (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Thorsten Lieb (FDP) and Ansgar Heveling (CDU), as well as authors, performing artists and lawyers. Register for the livestream here.