European Film Music Day(s) 2021
The European Film Music Day (EFMD) is an event bringing together experts in the audiovisual sector to discuss key issues at stake. This year’s edition unfolded digitally with two panel discussions. On 25th May, the panel on "Composing for Video Games - The Creative Process" focused on the music creating process behind gaming soundtracks. On May 27th, the panel on “Buyouts in the audiovisual sector: How is the problem affecting music creators?” addressed how to improve music creators’ awareness on copyright buyouts, as well as what options audiovisual composers have and what solutions are already in place.

The "Composing for Video Games: The Creative Process panel discussion" featured composers: Nainita Desai (UK), Bobby Tahouri (US), Joris de Man (The Netherlands) and Patrik Andrén (Sweden). The session was moderated by Yati Durant (UK).

The "Buyouts in the audiovisual sector: How is the problem affecting music creators" panel discussion featured Anselm Kreuzer (Composers Club - Germany), Ashley Irwin (the Society of Composers and Lyricists - US), Dominic Houston (Netflix -VP for Music), David El Sayegh (SACEM - France) and Janine Lorente (JLorente Consulting) . The session was moderated by ECSA's Secretary General Marc du Moulin.