Press Release: Copyright Meeting With BJÖRN ULVAEUS (ABBA)

Composer, songwriter and ABBA-member Björn Ulvaeus joined ECSA President Alfons Karabuda and MEP Axel Voss in a call to close the value gap and make sure that online platforms fairly remunerate creators.
The introduction of a rights reversion mechanism in EU law was also discussed. Around 40 participants from the European Parliament, including the first Vice-President of the European Parliament Mairead McGuinness, participated in the exclusive exchange.
- It means a lot that the members of the European Parliament got to meet a real-life songwriter, especially one that has contributed so much to the musical history as Björn Ulvaeus. It is important that those who fund our laws get an insight into what copyright and a fair value chain actually means for the possibility of creating immortal music, both now and in the future, said ECSA President Alfons Karabuda.
During the two-hour meeting with the MEPs, Mr. Ulvaeus addressed the issues of value gap and rights reversion. He also pressed the importance of functioning copyright law and stated that the concept of copyright gives composers and songwriters time to concentrate on what they do best: create music.
The event was hosted by Mr. Axel Voss (EPP) and was attended by around 40 participants from the European Parliament and the European Commission, amongst others, Mrs. Sabine Verheyen (EPP), Mrs. Jytte Guteland (S&D), and Mrs. Agata Gerba from the EC Copyright Unit.
For press contact or in case of questions, please contact ECSA Secretary General Patrick Ager at or +32 2 544 03 33.