Creators Conference 2020

Keynote Speech by Deputy Director - General for DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture – Viviane Hoffmann
The first panel will be introduced by a keynote speech of Jean-Noël Tronc (CEO of SACEM, GESAC Board Vice-President).
Europe's Strategies for the Creative and Cultural Sectors: What's Next?
This panel will give the European Commission and Members of the European Parliament the opportunity to present their plans for the creative and cultural sectors, with a particular focus on the music sector. What is the EU strategy for the Creative and Cultural sectors ? What is the state of play of the negotiations on the next Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027? What about the future of the “Music Moves Europe” programme?
Members of the European Parliament and representatives of the Commission will discuss and exchange with music creators on the needs of the music sector and how it is reflected in the plans and upcoming initiatives, legislative proposals of the EU institutions.
Aafke Romeijn (Songwriter, Board member of BAM!, Netherlands)
Barbara Gessler (European Commission, DG EAC, Head of Unit – Creative Europe)
Tomasz Frankowski (Member of the European Parliament - EPP, Poland)
Niklas Nienass (Member of the European Parliament - Greens, Germany)
Aleksandra Kaca (composer, songwriter, music manager, Poland)
ECSA President Alfons Karabuda will discuss with an IBM representative the contribution of IBM’s state of the art Artificial Intelligence Watson to creativity as well as the collaboration between human creators and AI system that would benefit the global music ecosystem. Questions from the audience will be encouraged.
The Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market aims at creating a fairer online environment for creators. Its adoption in 2019 has been a milestone for the development of the cultural and creative sectors. Now, EU Member States have until 2021 to implement the directive into their national legislation and make sure that it actually delivers its expected benefits to creators.
This panel will focus on the transfer of value and the state of play of its implementation in the EU member states. The European Commission will also be invited to provide an update on the stakeholders’ dialogue and on its future guidelines.
Helienne Lindvall (Ivors Academy for Music Creators Board director, songwriter, UK/Sweden)
Thorbjörn Öström (Senior Legal Counsel, STIM)
Helga Trüpel, consultant, former MEP (Greens, Germany)
Marco Giorello (European Commission, DG CONNECT, Head of Copyright Unit)
Sarah Jacquier (Policy and Legal Officer, French Ministry of Culture)
Nowadays, buy-out contracts are a common industry practice in the culture and creative sector. With these types of contracts authors and performers sell all their rights for the full duration of the copyright to their contractual counterparts. However, buy-outs deprive authors and performers of royalties, which are the only means of a continuous revenue stream from their creations or performance. How can individual creators and performers who are in a weak bargaining position improve this situation? Do national legislators need to provide the solution? Can collective bargaining with the respective industries generate better outcomes for creators?
This panel will present some real-life examples of buy-outs, discuss the impact of the Copyright Directive on contracts and look into solutions.
Kate Havnevik (film composer, songwriter, artist, Norway)
Iban Garcia del Blanco (Member of the European Parliament - S&D, Spain)
Marco Giorello (European Commission, DG CONNECT, Head of Copyright Unit)
Simon Darlow (composer, Board member PRS)
Pauline Durand-Vialle (CEO, Federation of European Film Directors)
The conference will be followed by a reception and the Camille Awards - European Film Composer Award. The ceremony will honour the career and greatest achievements of a renowned Academy Award winning film composer by handing out a special "Lifetime Achievement" Award. During the ceremony, an ensemble will perform a selection of the composer's most significant pieces.