Creators Conference 2016

© John Stapels
The session will focus on artistic freedom and opportunities given to creators in light of the digital age as well as the restrictions they have met whilst exercising their right to artistic freedom.
The session will be moderated by Alfons Karabuda (ECSA). Panellists will include Ramy Essam (musician), Nicolas Vadot (cartoonist), Ole Reitov (Freemuse) and Ursula Pachl (BEUC).
The second session of the day will focus on the value of creators' works. Issues such as contractual practices, standard contracts (the Norwegian example), remuneration and collective bargaining will be high on the agenda.
The panel will be moderated by Helienne Lindvall and will feature MEP Dietmar Köster, Dr. Lucie Guibault, Michelle Stanistreet (NUJ), Bjørn Ingvaldsen (writer) and Charles Sturridge (film director/screenwriter).
The session will focus on emerging models and the responsabilities of online intermediaries and streaming services toward creators in regards to fair distribution of value. The importance of transparency will also be discussed.
The session will be moderated by Helienne Lindvall. Panellists will include Wally Badarou (composer), Anders Lassen (KODA), Stefan Blom (Spotify) and Robert Alberdingk Thijm (screenwriter).
The forth and last session of the Creators Conference will be a discussion featuring representatives from the European Commission and the European Parliament. The discussions will focus on fair contracts, transparency and exceptions in light of the modernisation of EU copyright rules.
The session will be moderated by Pamela Morinière and will feature Maria Martin-Prat (EC Copyright Unit), Janne Rijkers (legal expert), Chris Smith (composer) and MEP Emma McClarkin.
Alfons Karabuda (ECSA) will wrap up the Creators Conference by giving a summary of the most important issues discussed throughout the day.
Creative Europe cocktail