Creators Conference 2015

© John Staples
Registration and welcome coffee
By Mario Perez Amigo
Opening address by Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.
10.00 - 10.10
Introductory Video testimonies
A candid and refreshing perspective on music creation, music creators and authors rights by future generations.
10.10 - 10.45
What is the role of creators in today’s societies? This discussion, we will illustrate how music creators contribute to vibrant democracies, how they help build bridges across communities and how they act as cement for societies.
10.45 - 11.00
"The right to freedom of artistic expression and creativity" - Skype intervention
Ms. Farida Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, will present progress made since the UN report on the right to freedom of artistic expression and creativity.
11.00 - 11.15
Introduction : “The review of the EU copyright framework: the perspective of MEPs”
By Dietmar Köster (MEP)
11.15 - 12.00
Discussion - “A creative agenda for the copyright review”
Music creators and EU policymakers will exchange views on the ongoing review of the EU copyright framework.
Three composers will show they are more than great artists; they are also resourceful inventors and wise investors.
Kjartan Olaffson – Calmus
Jean Marc Ledermann - Kollector
Frederick Rousseau - Electronic music composer
A case study illustrating that all music creators are “Composers without borders”.
Creators are like a rising tide for all actors of the value chain. Improve their conditions and a thousand flowers will bloom.
Presentation on « The economic value of Culture and Creativity for the EU » by GESAC
Introduction by European Commission of results of survey on remuneration of authors and fair contracts
The European Commission will present the preliminary findings of the survey it has commissioned on the remuneration of authors and fair contracts.
Presentations and exchange of views on good practice and positive examples of fair remuneration in the music industry.
A rapid fire Q&A session with Kasper Winding.
Exquiste Scorpse is an exciting pan European musical creation. The concept is to create a multi territorial musical piece. It will highlight the inventiveness, the diversity and the richness of the European musical creation. The principle of “Exquisite Scorpse” (from “score” and “corpse”) is an adaptation of the “Exquisite Corpse game” to the musical creation.
Seven internationally renowned composers and songwriters are taking part in this musical creation. The resulting piece will be conducted by Franck Vagagnée live for its “Grand Premiere” during The Creators conference.
What is the future of the music creation? Our guest speakers will share their views on the future of music with the public.