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Working Group on Technology and Artificial Intelligence

In this new digital and technological era of the music industry, it is important to stay up to date with emerging technologies and to realize which of these could become innovations within the music industry. This is why ECSA, in 2022, has created a Technology and Artificial Intelligence (Tech and AI) Working Group. The Working Group aims at identifying new and relevant technologies and online services which have or will have an impact on musical diversity and the remuneration of music authors.

Members of the Working Group on Technology and Artificial Intelligence

  • Panu Aaltio, Composer (Finland)
  • Étienne Forget, Composer (France)
  • Harald Hanisch, Composer (Austria)
  • Marek Hojda, Composer (Poland)
  • Anselm Kreuzer, Composers Club (Germany)
  • Arriën Molema, Songwriter and musician (The Netherlands)
  • Anna Neale, Composer and songwriter (The United Kingdom)
  • Žiga Stanič, Composer and musician (Slovenia)
  • Line Tjørnhøj, Composer (Denmark)

Artificial intelligence

Although AI can certainly be an opportunity for composers as a creation tool, the Working Group is having extensive discussions on the current threats AI forms to composers. In September 2023, the Working Group came together to discuss the EU AI Act. ECSA has been pushing for a human centric approach to generative AI, built upon informed consent, transparency, fair remuneration and contractual practices. In a joint statement on the draft EU AI Act, published in September 2023, we further explain our position.

Metadata and Royalty Collection

The metadata issues are at the core of every composer not getting paid what they are owed. In fact, ECSA has been supporting a new pledge movement called Credits Due along with many other large players of the music industry such as BMG, PRS, Spotify, CIAM and more. This is an initiative which aims at bringing the music industry together to ensure that complete and accurate song metadata is attached to all recordings at the point of creation. The Tech and AI Working Group will be closely working together with the Music Streaming Working Group on this issue.